Atmospheric Variability and Trends

Zugspitze: BZB Gipfelgebäude, DWD Turm, IMK-IFU Messeinrichtungen mit FTIR-Kuppel, Sonnenphotometer, HATPRO Mikrowellenradiometer, Messcontainer mit E-AERI SpektrometerMarkus Rettinger, KIT

The Atmospheric Variability and Trends Research Group is founded in the field of atmospheric chemistry and physics. Our team operates the triple midlatitude site - Zugspitze (2964 m a.s.l.), Schneefernerhaus (2650 m a.s.l.), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (734 m a.s.l.) - which is one of the best-equipped atmospheric observation facilities on the globe. Using up-looking optical soundings along with numerical models for data analysis, we address some of the big questions in climate sciences.

Learn more on our team, themes, instruments, projects, and publications